A week of Choir Calls, Self-Care Hacks, and Unexpected Inspirations.

A week of Choir Calls, Self-Care Hacks, and Unexpected Inspirations.

PLUS Advice on Don't DIY Make-Up

Hi friends,

I hope you're well! Welcome back. Today, I got a phone call from the co-president of the choir, I had just finished a run on the Esplanade. She says, "Hi Zara," and then, "Oh, I forgot why I called you." I reminded her, "The choir," and she remembered, "Oh yes!" She mentioned that we need to get me signed up and that she'd send an email with all the forms. She also said I could take a leave of absence if needed, as some members, including herself, have been sick for weeks. I was amazed at how organised she was, calculating costs and scheduling around long weekends. She said, "Darling, I have to be organised, otherwise I wouldn’t know where I am."

Last week, I had to change pews and sat with a different Alto group, which caused quite a stir…

Choir Practice #2 We have to do hand actions, and everyone is very excited about it.

This week, I've discovered a cheap but very effective self-care routine, its Aryuvedic in origin: I fill a laundry basket with hot water and essential oils, put my feet in it, and place a hot, essential oil-soaked washer on my face. It’s helped clear my sinuses and improved my voice for choir.

Speaking of the choir, thanks to them, I got free tickets to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra. They performed a piece by NGAPA William Cooper at the recital hall in Angel Place. It was amazing. Beforehand, I went to Felix, a French restaurant, and enjoyed a glass of red wine. The ceiling there has a beautiful mosaic of Grecian goddesses—definitely worth a look if you visit.

Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the Recital Hall.

I also attended a talk at the Sydney Writers Festival called "The War on Journalism." I don’t know about anyone else in the audience at that talk but the discussion got a little heated given current global events. On a lighter note, I spent time with my niece and nephew, taking them to soccer practice. Kids love with their whole beings, and it’s so refreshing. I also visited Officeworks to print some audition scripts and creative projects, in particular a picture of a woman and her grandchild in my neighbourhood, that I took with my phone. I have come to know the Officeworks manager, Tracy, who’s been incredibly supportive of my business. She told me about a local nonprofit, Creating Chances, which mentors underprivileged youth. I’ll post a link for those interested in supporting them.

Woman & her baby on a morning walk in my neighbourhood.

Last week I attended premiere of, Colin from Accounts, Season two (yes I am in it! :) and I decided to do my own hair and makeup…..lets just say from now on, I am going to leave it to the professionals.



I hope you get out there and do something that looks after your spirit, mind, body, and heart. Talk to you soon! Be well,

Intro Track : By ABVE - Night on Kyoto

Z x

My life lessons through the arts